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When crafting a Whiskey Sour at home, the first step is to gather and measure the bourbon, freshly squeezed lemon juice and simple syrup. We use a Japanese Jigger to get accurate measurements and easy pours for all three.

Buy a Japanese jigger from Amazon if you need a jigger or want an inexpensive upgrade.

Measuring Bourbon for a Whiskey Sour
It’s go time once you measure the bourbon. We measure ours with a Japanese jigger. | Image: ©2foodtrippers

We typically prepare simple syrup in advance so that it has time to cool. However, we squeeze the lemon juice on the spot by hand for maximum freshness.

Pro Tip
Save money by making simple syrup from scratch. It’s as easy as boiling water and sugar in a 1:1 ratio until the sugar dissolves. Make sure you stir frequently so that the sugar doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan and burn. Let the syrup cool before covering and storing in an airtight container.

Pour the bourbon, lemon juice and simple syrup directly into a shaker as you measure each. Next, pour an egg white into the shaker.

Pouring Bourbon into a Whiskey Sour
It makes sense to pour each measured ingredient directly into the shaker which is what we do in this and other recipes. | Image: ©2foodtrippers

Adding raw egg white is an optional step that creates a frothy finish not to mention a bit of protein.

Pro Tip
Feel free to omit the egg white if you follow a vegan diet or are concerned about salmonella. Another option is to use a pasteurized egg white product or aquafaba to create froth.

The next step is to shake the cocktail. However, if you’re including the egg white, this is a two-part step.

First, do a dry shake without ice for 30 seconds. Dry shaking will allow the egg white to emulsify and transform to egg white foam. Next, add ice and shake for another half minute until the drink is fully chilled and blended.

Shaking a Whiskey Sour in a Boston Shaker
Shaking the Whiskey Sour is when the mixology magic happens. | Image: ©2foodtrippers

We use a Boston Shaker to craft this and other cocktails and we love it. It’s so easy to use and doesn’t make a mess. Our previous shakers often leaked and the lid would stick to the base between uses.

The final step is to strain the bourbon cocktail into a glass and garnish.

Straining a Whiskey Sour
Once you strain the cocktail into a your glass, it’s drink time. | Image: ©2foodtrippers

We like to drink our Whiskey Sours on the rocks with a toasted orange twist and Luxardo cherry garnishes. These garnishes look great. Plus, there’s nothing better than eating that cherry after it soaks up some of the cocktail.

Buy a jar of Luxardo cherries from Amazon if you can’t find them at your local liquor store or specialty market.

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